Last november I’ve been invited to Khartoum, Sudan, by the local Goethe Institute.
Berlin based painter Julia Benz, who had been in Khartoum already in 2014 for Yalla! Go paint Khartoum, and me had a workshop with 15 sudanese artists.
Chosen from over 100 open call submissions. All of them talented Artists and great people.
The project Yalla! Khartoum deals with different kinds of urban youth culture.
From skateboarding to music and art.
Here are some photos. I will try to write a longer text about this project in march, too much other stuff is on the list right now.
For now, I want to thank Goethe Institute and Julia Benz for the invitation and all the nice and beautyful people I met in Sudan. Shukran Jazelaan! Big up!
YALLA Khartoum – Teaser – يلا خرطوم from editude pictures on Vimeo.
View from sajjana youth centre…
Ahmed Elradi preparing a mural at Sajjana centre.
With Julia Benz and Mustafa „Da Vinci“ Altyar at the workshop.
With Sudanese photographer Sadig M. Ahmed in front of a mural by Ahmed Elradi in Omdurman.
Africa Street, one of Khartoum’s main streets, unpainted.
…and painted! By Galal Yousif, a member of Khaish Studio
and his studio mate Hazim.