Galerie Gerken, Berlin

Traditionally galerie gerken brings two postions together, a painted and a sculptural or installative. For their first show in 2014 they have curated artworks of Till Nitschmann and me ...

Porto Alegre, Brazil
Villa Gaucha drawing

In south brazil, poor districts are called vila not favela. This one is called Vila Gaucha and is right above the new stadium Beira Rio, home of my favourite football club in Porto Alegre ...

Deichtorhallen Hamburg

Invited by the Blickfang producers design fair, I realised a huge installation at Deichtorhallen Hamburg.
A bunch of human bird sculptures is flying around an oversized fly trap...

Deichtorhallen Hamburg
Blickfang Catalogue

Nils Kasiske ist Bildhauer, Maler und Illustrator. Zu seinem Zyklus lebensmüder anthropomorpher Singvögel erschien 2009 im Hamburger Gudberg Verlag das Buch " A Songbird's Suicide"...

Modart TV

In occassion of my soloshow at Vicious Gallery Modart TV made this short feature